

you know how you can make art out of anything.. but tape decks have a certain nostalgia for people our age, huh? you know the other day i was at a garage sale and this lady had a bunch of em in a box for $5. had they been lp’s and id been 20 years older i might have salivated. My parents, moreso my dad, always swore that you’d find some rare gem in a box with crap someone moving in or out is practically giving away. They say records sound ‘warmer’ than other media, and the sound cant be duplicated, i guess unless its being picked up by a needle, tapes were kind of a mystery, the things that played em gave you a glimpse through a little plastic window, of some motorized heads pressing down on the tape while they spun it. it aint at all as glamourous, and the things hissed and popped when you started or stopped playing music. but still they were ours y’know, all us kids in the 80’s had em, and made ’em whenever some new good song came on the radio. i kinda think like my dad in that sense, maybe i’d find one with no writing but some great songs on it.. i look in the box, a lot of grunge and alternative, though now its all pretty mainstream aint it?

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