
power saving

I think I’ve abandoned enough electronics to know what the apocalypse would look like for them. & the thing is they don’t beg and plead like we do, they demand, charge me, then just go dark, never reaching the dock. When and if you finally do ever find a job for them again and boot them back up, then they do so without complaint, refreshed and anew, ready to go about things as if nothing had ever happened.

People remember the end for a while, they remember scratching and clawing to get back to their safe spaces. They yell when the lights go out, fingers frantically waving at any switches in the vicinity. When we come back though, I don’t think we remember so much what we were doing then and there in the moment shit went crazy, but we don’t seem to have any problem assigning ourselves to get to work again. To put everything in it’s right place.

& we wouldn’t fight our programming, we’d get right back to work on what blew us up the last time, we’d swear we wouldn’t let out the magic smoke. What I wouldn’t give to get it right again.