
grey wrinkless michellins

I blinked out and I remembered being at sea world, there was a large class of students on the other end of the tank. people were petting dolphins. except for that one kid, who didn’t want his hour of wait to go to waste in 15 seconds with this thing. this THING It feels like rubber. grey wrinkless michellins. he held onto the dorsal fin and the weightlessness of the water allotted him superhuman strength. The porpoise bucked, and gnashed itself against the rocks used as scenery. Though we were on the other end of the tank, we all clearly saw the water soon swimming in blood.

I remember your face boy. I’d have thrown you to the lions, if that would have been what they were.


tacitos de cafe

my grandmother would always ask for everything with ice in it whenever she wanted a drink.
as we talked, she’d shake the glass back and forth to hear it clink,
it sounded like chattering teeth to me,
she said she was doing it just till it was cold enough to drink,
but then she’d end up leaving things on the windowsill when she got up for bed.
cups of lukewarm milk, stale glasses of water, and her favorite tacitos de cafe.

all left like pots that collect water from leaky roofs.
except these were all filled with thoughts.



and I’ve watched and listened on
as people went from person to person
essentially telling each new one the same things
till they reached the point…

secrets, yeah we all have secrets
that type where, you have to know everything
else first, or maybe just maybe the,
‘this is the type I swore I’d never tell anybody’
but in the end they all told me

and their secrets ended up lodged
like bullets in my brain, if they ever took an x-Ray
the doctor would explain, you’ll live, don’t worry
but we just can’t remove the damn things



I used to sleep on sofas like Einstein,
robbing thoughts of our minds
to give them to dreams,
but now we threw a mattress on the floor,
so there’s room for more of us


monsters mouths agape in light

when I was five or so,
me and my brother slept in the same room.
we each had a twin bed, at opposite ends.
he told me scary stories,
wanting to impress on me maybe, his fearlessness of having heard them himself.
he had a flashlight, of course
aimed up near his chin,
he’d begin telling me stories of swamp things and snake men,
which didn’t terrify me terribly to be honest.
but one night, he tells me there’s a monster under my bed.
he’d lift up the tiles ever so slowly,
he’d creep his hand around the edge of the mattress tugging at the sheets so he could pull himself up and out of his hiding place.
I would tug back of course,
but he’d continue,
the flashlight pressed right up against the bottom of his jaw.
he scared the shit out of me you know.
in fact, the one time I scared him was when we was getting up in the middle of the night,
and he heard his own bed creak
I was sleeping under it, and I’d arranged my pillows to look like it was me in my bed.
I heard him call for me, chris, chris are you there.
I didn’t move cause I thought maybe he was seeing the monster.
I saw the flashlight turn on..
and the ray’s moved steadily, slowly downward.
I came close to the edge of the bed, staring hard looking for tufts of fur, claws, red eyes, anything.
and then he bent the flashlight down, and waved it under his bed where I was
and I looked around frantically to make sure the monster wasn’t lying silently next to me.
I grabbed the flashlight from him
and I’m sure he freaked,
as did I, so I slid out from under the bed, as quickly as can be
the flashlight resting on my chest shining up onto me.
when we saw each other, we both screamed.

monsters mouths agape in light.
I wish I didn’t have to use that word.



I get the feeling grass would make a lapping sound like a thirsty dog if it could
I have a feeling it would be more of a contended sigh, like the people in beer commercials

I sit here worn down. a lot of days I don’t know where the energy comes from.
we aren’t at all like the worn out mummies of batteries
we recover from a sarcophagus called the remote.
the human body seems like it could go on forever, had it the will

teeth gritting like tectonic plates
the body does in fact feel pain.
even animalsknow to keep the weight off damaged limbs and to lick wounds.
but humans are the only ones who kiss their boo-boos..
we enjoy a psychological comfort from it. the brain it feels no pain,
even thought it’s wired that way.
it charges off head first like it’s in an impregnable case.
it doesn’t make sense to it till it’s jarred against Its defense.

you cannot damage yourself beyond repair



the wasserboxer engine named so,
because the cylinders are set just at such an offset,
internally it appears the pistons are trading blows


clouds are odd no?
it’s like they get close, and boom thunder,
then they touch, and bam lightning..
and if things are just right, they spin tightly together in a tornado.

some days i might as well be talking to the walls,
there’s really no interest in this.
what attracts people to people is wholly different amongst us.
maybe its the way i look this time, who knows, but it’s not mutual.

they always warned me, men yeah, they’re all about conquering and moving on,
but women, women want to possess you, they want to know what it is that makes you singular
and own it, even if for only a little while.


little rowboat

and when the wind goes out from the sails
we’ll look at each other and wonder
who’s going to row,

and talking in little breaths, breathes it to life again
blow by blow,



funny you know birds on electrical wires,
they don’t shock themselves cause they’re not grounded.
electricity is always described with such a will,
inescapable to think to us that something with that much power would lack it.
electricity is always trying to find it’s way to ground. alternating current,
AC which paces back and forth on the Line like an angry tiger,
and direct current , which waits to escape or kill at the switch or outlet
like a cobra bared up hood flared.
but the birds up on the wire, it just goes through them.

but we bottle it and sell it to kids in batteries